The solution is collective

We are a youth socio-environmental organization founded in 2020 that emerged in the midst of the COVID pandemic: a crisis that set a precedent for new political and ethical dilemmas that forced us to think about a new normal that addresses social and environmental justice together.


Human Rights

We strive for a society in which human rights are not a privilege but a guarantee for all people living in this country.

Non-Partisan Organization

We are an organization that is not affiliated with any political party.

Integral approach

In order for there to be a real transformation, the change must be structural and systematic. We appeal for politics as a tool for social transformation.

Collective response

We promote networking, convinced that it is necessary for facing the challenges presented by the context in which we all live and build based on diversity and plurality.


Activate the

For a Wetlands Law that promotes conservation, sustainable use, and restoration.

Formation of Environmental Leaders

A program to train us, connect with more people who are activating, and take action.

Do you see infringements with the Labeling Law?

Know all infractions to the regulations of the Labeling Law and report irregularities.

The solution is collective, get involved

If you want to know more about what we do,
write us here.